
Featured Testimonial

Client Testimonials

Client Testimonial: Anderson Family

Meet the Andersons, a family supporting two children in college. Before getting help from the experts at Social Security Advisors, they felt like they were climbing Mt. Everest in trying to get the most out of their Social Security benefits on their own. In following the customized report generated from Social Security Advisors, the Andersons are able to pay for their daughter’s college and receive an extra $100,000 in benefits for their own retirement.

Client Testimonial: Ken L.

Ken Lenderman was getting ready to retire but wasn’t sure if he was making the right choices. He turned to our experts at Social Security Advisors and found out that he almost missed out on $79,000 in benefits. Now he’s on the right track to a smart retirement. Social Security Advisors℠ is an innovative advisory firm with a single mission: to help its clients maximize their Social Security benefits. We are dedicated to maximizing social security benefits for our clients through customized Social Security strategies. Let us help you!

See A Sample Client Report (PDF)

Sales Questions?

Mr. Paul O'Connell, National Sales Director
Phone 1-888-629-6923, ext 114
Email: Paul@SocialSecurityAdvisors.com